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Q: Why 2022? Why July?


You are not wrong if you thought our 25th Reunion was going to be held in 2021. However, the College—out of an abundance of caution around the covid-19 pandemic—cancelled all on-campus reunions for both 2020 and 2021. Due to the very persuasive arguments of members of the Class of 1996 executive committee, the College made one exception for our class (and the ’95s) to not cancel but merely postpone our 25th. There would not have been space in venues and dormitories to include our number to those returning for their regularly-scheduled reunions in June 2022. So the College found another weekend for us: July 22-24, 2022!

Q: What is the attendance policy with regards to COVID-19 vaccination?


Please note for your safety and the safety of the community, all those attending Reunion activities on campus must be fully vaccinated against covid-19; or receive a negative test result from a COVID-19 test (PCR or rapid antigen) taken within 72 hours prior; or have tested positive for COVID-19 within the 90 days prior and recovered (i.e., they have ended isolation and do not have symptoms).  For the most up-to-date information, please consult the Visitor Guidance. In general, face masks are optional and not required to be worn on most campus sites, but please refer to the Face Covering Policy for more information. We have tried to plan as many activities as possible outside and/or under our tent during the weekend.

Q: Should I bring my kids?


That depends. If you want to share the fun of Dartmouth alongside them, by all means. If you want to hang with your classmates and let the kiddies fend for themselves, we suggest you reconsider. While previous clustered Reunions featured robust programming for children during the entire weekend, because this is a completely different Reunion set up—the ’96s and ’95s are the only classes on campus and neither space nor student workers are plentiful because Sophomore Summer is in session—kid programming will be more limited.  It is the responsibility of all alumni to conduct themselves in keeping with the safety expectations of the College, including by taking responsibility for the oversight and wellbeing of their guests / family / children in attendance.


Children joining members of the Class of 1996 for must be registered for Reunion and will automatically enrolled in the Reunion Kids program. Included in the registration fee are a host of activities centered at the BEMA, including games, crafts, movies, and the following meals: Friday youth dinner, Saturday family breakfast and lunch, Saturday youth dinner, and Sunday family breakfast. (Due to space limitations, class dinners will be for adults only.) Toddlers (2-5) must be accompanied at all times, even within the Reunion Kids area, by their parent or caregiver.

Q: How late can I register?


Early bird rates of $375 per adult are available through May 4. Rates go up to $415 per adult on May 5. Late registrations after July 5 through the end of Reunion will be available for $465 per person.

Q: Is financial aid available for registration?


Yes! Financial considerations should not dictate a classmate’s ability to join our Reunion. Please reach out Class President Leslie Rowley or Treasurer Shervyn von Hoerl should you need assistance with the registration fees—no questions asked.

Q: Can I come for only part of the Reunion?


While you are welcome to join only part of the festivities, there will be no refunds of registration fees for late arrivals or early departures. Please note: Only registrants will gain access to our Reunion site, bars, and meal sites.

Q: What is the refund policy?


Reunion registration fees are fully refundable through Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Requests for refunds should be made to Class Treasurer Shervyn von Hoerl.

Q: What about accommodations?


Accommodations are not included in the registration fee. Limited on-campus housing will be available for Friday and Saturday nights only—on a first come, first served basis. Reservations are $62 per night per person. Requests for adjacent rooms for families will be considered but cannot be guaranteed. As undergraduate residences, the dormitories do not offer the amenities found in a hotel, but their convenience to on-campus events make them a popular housing option. Please refer to the Off-Campus Housing Resources for ideas for making alternative arrangements.

Q: Where will we hang out on campus?


Our Reunion tent and headquarters will be on the Gold Coast Lawn, in front of Streeter and Lord. For considerations of health, safety, and student privacy, all buildings will be off limits to returning alumni during the weekend except for those specifically listed as Reunion housing or hosting an event on the official Reunion schedule. A list of these locations will be available at our Reunion Headquarters.

Q: What about parking?


Guests arriving before 5:00pm on Friday, July 22 will need to park in metered spaces on Hanover streets. Guests arriving after 5:00pm on Friday or any time over the weekend may use any campus parking lot. Parking is not permitted in driveways or emergency access areas. See the mobile campus map and enter “parking” in the search field to find parking areas.

Q: How should I make my dietary restrictions/allergies known?


While we are committed to making our meals safe and tasty experiences and will do our best to work with our caterers to accommodate all dietary restrictions, we are not able to guarantee specific requests. Please contact Reunion Chair Nakiah Cherry Chinchilla to discuss your needs, particularly food allergies.  Please note we cannot guarantee that food is produced in a nut-free facility and are unable to restrict what foods may be brought on campus by other guests.

Q: Who can help with an accessibility request?


Dartmouth is committed to ensuring that its programs, services, and activities are accessible to all. Disability-related accommodations are delivered through a network of established programs and offices that extend to alumni and their guests. Accommodation needs and inquiries about accessibility assistance are welcome. Begin your inquiry with outreach to Reunion Chair Nakiah Cherry Chinchilla and she will collaborate with you, Alumni Relations, and the College’s Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity.

Q: Who is coming?


Weekly updates will be made to the registration list posted on Dartmouth’s Reunion page. Click the “Who’s Coming?” button to search for friends. If they’re not there, send them the link to so they can register.

Q: When is the next one?


Our 30th will be held in Hanover June 18-21, 2026. Don’t wait that long to join in the fun.

Hi! I'm Nakiah Cherry Chinchilla your 25th Class Reunion Chair!

If you have additional questions or would like to volunteer for the Reunion Committee, you can email me here






7–10 a.m.

96 Breakfast

53 Commons (old Thayer Dining Hall)


9 a.m.–12 noon

96 Check In and Housing Check In

Alumni Relations – Blunt


9a.m.–2 p.m. 

Espresso and Iced Coffee Bar

Class Tent -- Gold Coast Lawn

(Unlimited Coffee Service)


10–10:30 a.m.

1996 Memorial Service

Rockefeller Center Courtyard


10 a.m.–12 noon

95 & 96 Kid/Teen Space @ the BEMA


11a.m.–12 noon

Uncovering Hidden Connections with Classmates

Class Tent -- Gold Coast Lawn

Make connections with classmates around shared interests and common ground, uncovering how we can be each other's best resources and support in our next half century


11–12:30 p.m.

DOC Campus Hike

Meet at Class Tent


11 a.m.

Bar Opens (taps open at noon)

Class Tent -- Gold Coast Lawn


12:30–2 p.m.

96 Reunion BBQ Lunch

Class Tent -- Gold Coast Lawn

Rain location – West Gym/Leede Arena


1:00–4:00 pm

Reunion Lawn Games

Tuck Mall, Blunt Alumni Hall


1:30–3:30 p.m.

Bartlett Tower Open Hours


1:30–4:30 p.m.

West End Tour 

Self-guided; maps available at Blunt


2–4 p.m.

Reunion On The River

Ledyard Canoe Club

Limited canoes, kayaks and paddle boards available (more for rent for an additional fee); no swimming allowed


2:30–4 p.m.

Happy Cow Cones & Pretzel Village

Between 95 and 96 tents on Gold Coast


3–5 p.m.

Amarna Reunion Open House

23 East Wheelock

Beverages and snacks; family and friends of the house welcome


4–5 p.m.

Celebrating 50 Panel

Class Tent

Gender, Race & Dartmouth In the 90s: Remembering Our Past While Shaping The Future


4–5 p.m.

Walking Tour of Public Art on Campus

Meet at Class Tent


5–10:30 p.m.

95 & 96 Kid/Teen Pizza @ the BEMA

Rain – Cutter Shabazz


5–9 p.m. Tent Bar Closes


5–6 p.m. Friends of Bill W.
Whitcomb Seminar Room 370, Berry Library


6–8:30 p.m.

96 Class Reception & Dinner

North Baker Lawn

Rain – West Gym

6-7 Reception

~6:30 Class Photo (listen for announcement)

7-8:30 dinner

Bars close at dessert

9–12 midnight

Glamour Photobooth

Class Tent 

(Unlimited Print and Digital Photos)


9–12 midnight

Club XXV

Class Tent

Last call – 11:45 pm





9-11:30 a.m.

Class of 1996 Farewell Brunch

Class Tent


By 12:00 noon

Residence Hall Checkout

Key Drops in Your Residence Hall

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