In the fall of 1992, just over a thousand students arrived on the Hanover plain. Over time, others would join and be lost, distance and circumstances would change our relationshipa. But we are all still connected by shared experience and a sense that something special happened in that place, at that time, to set a foundation for a lifetime of connection.
In this phase of our lives together, we hope that the Dartmouth Class of 1996 will be a classmate’s obvious starting point for developing meaningful networks for mutual support, aid, and camaraderie as we enter the second half of our lives.

In June 2021, elections were held to fill class officer positions from 2021 to 2026. In addition to the officers listed below, Matt Miller is serving as our Alumni Councilor through 2026. On top of that, Kimberley Sanderson and Anh Thu Cunnion is our Webmaven. Our Executive Committee is rounded out by the talents of the following classmates: Shelley Arakawa, Josh Benn, Brandon del Pozo, Pace Duckenfiled, Shawn (Snipes) Gasparini, Mark Griffin, Maryam Kia-Keating, Rose Lee, Betsy Miller, Keli’I Opulauoho, Neesha Ramchandani, and Zack Stein.
The involvement of other 96s is always welcome. Get in touch if you’re interested in helping.
Leslie Jennings Rowley ’96 was an economics major modified with geography, even though all her friends thought she was an English major. She was the music director of the Dodecaphonics, social chair at C&G, a work-study manager at Collis, and probably could have studied more. She chaired our 5th reunion and served as class president from 2001 to 2005. She has an M.B.A and a Ph.D. in psychology and sometimes wonders what she’s doing with either of them. She has spent most of her career building new programs and sustaining key initiatives for mission-driven organizations and loves taking people on journeys—both physical and metaphorical. Her various office spaces have included an opera house, the White House, a sailboat in the Mediterranean, a college campus, and, now, her guest bedroom. Leslie produces and hosts the Roads Taken podcast and lives in New Jersey with her husband and their two children.
Leslie Jennings Rowley
Drew Brady
The Granite of New Hampshire may no longer run through my 45+ year old muscles or my no longer academic brain, but the Big Green has always, and still does run through my veins. Since our graduation 25 years ago, Dartmouth has always remained dear to me and my family, and the connection remains strong.
After Dartmouth, my Class of 1995 wife and I went to Boston where I completed medical school at Harvard. Subsequently we moved on to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center where I completed my orthopaedic residency under the Chairmanship of Freddie Fu, another Dartmouth alumnus. Clearly my Dartmouth affiliation helped me to land this prestigious residency position. With such a distinguished academic pedigree, Dartmouth still remains top of my list in terms of shaping my future career.
One thing that I have not taken advantage of while in school or post-graduation is participation in class leadership. My wife and I are in Hanover frequently. We support the school in its mission. We are proud members of the 1769 Society. We serve as alumni interviewers, and most recently serve as Dartmouth District Enrollment Directors for our area. Our daughter is almost an alumna, awaiting her graduation from Dartmouth in just a few weeks. We are already grooming her to remain connected to Dartmouth upon her graduation. Our high school freshman knows he can go anywhere for college, as long as that choice is Dartmouth.
In the precursor to our 25th reunion I became interested in doing more for our class. This lead to me participating in our class council telephone calls and planning meetings and has reinvigorated my desire to stay connected to Dartmouth. Therefore I am pleased to be considered for a position on our Dartmouth ’96 class council. I am truly impressed at the caliber of accomplished individuals our class has become. Just listen to Leslie Rowley’s “Roads Taken,” podcast and it is evident that this class is phenomenal. I would be honored to serve such a talented group of people.
Dear Class of '96 classmates - I am excited to rejoin our leadership team after a decade away. I was our head agent for our class in the past and after taking a break while life happened, I now have the time to get back involved with our class. While I was head agent from 2001 to approximately 2008 or 2009, our class of '96 won many awards and accolades from the Dartmouth College Fund. I was also active locally in the mid-2010s as the President of the Research Triangle Women of Dartmouth and then the Piedmont Local Dartmouth Chapter. My experience serving as a leader for our Dartmouth class and then other organizations has given me a lot of experience on how to lead volunteers and I would like to bring that back to our class again. Thanks for your support!
Sara Paisner
Garrett Gil de Rubio ’96 has served in the role of Class Secretary since 2011. In that decade of service, he has rarely missed a Class Notes column in the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, always providing a newsy look at what our classmates are up to. For his devotion to the class and his role, he was awarded Secretary of the Year in 2013 by the College. At Dartmouth he majored in romance languages, took the FSP in Madrid, and was president and founding member of Abaris, editor-in-chief of the Aegis, an undergrad advisor in Butterfield Hall, a member of Zeta Psi and Order of Omega, and active in the Council of Student Organizations and Model UN. His love for Dartmouth is almost matched by his pride for Auburn, where he received his MBA, and his zeal for Atlanta United (major league soccer). His career has led him to sales and management roles within technology-oriented companies in his hometown of Atlanta.
Shervyn von Hoerl ’96 has served in the role of Class Treasurer since 2007 and was awarded Class Treasurer of the Year by the College in 2013. His tenure in this role is bested only slightly by his years 20+ years of experience in the structured finance industry, where he has developed innovative capital solutions for many types of clients. At Dartmouth he was a member of the Tabard, a Presidential Scholar, and a history major, and could also be found in the workshops in the basement of the Hop. These days, he can be found near the Jersey Shore, where he lives with his family and is co-chair of the Fair Haven Democratic Municipal Committee.